
Why should I join the WCBF?

  1. We believe that the fellowship is essential in these days and in our region.
  2. We believe that the information provided will be of great benefit to pastors and brethren in our day of compromise.
  3. We believe that your affiliation in this fellowship would enable us to plant more churches in western Canada.
  4. We believe that the WCBF can provide Scriptural fellowship for dissenting members of other denominations which have compromised the truth by their affiliation with disobedience.

How do I join the WCBF?

From Article 3, Section 2 of our Constitution:

Churches or individuals desiring to affiliate with the Fellowship shall apply in writing to the executive committee and shall be received into membership by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the pastors present and voting at the next annual meeting.
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